I recently heard an ad on the radio for Seagram's ginger ale. I despise it. Not the ginger ale, I've never tried that...but the ad. It starts off by saying this woman never imagined having kids but now she freakin loves being a mother of twins. She apparently works part time at some dead-end job and "overtime as a mommy" *pukes on keyboard*.
Then it goes on to mention that the husband is looking after the kids and she's having a good ol' Seagram's in the tub trying to relax, and the husband is busy looking at internet porn and so the twins want to get in the tub with her and she's all "Oh ya found me, I love you guys" and apparently the Seagram's ginger ale makes having her body mutilated and her life force sucked away worth it.
I don't know about you, but if I had to work part time and be a mostly-stay-at-home mother, I'd be pretty annoyed that the one bath I get to have to myself is interrupted by my stupid kids, I wouldn't be glad to have two little boys get into the tub naked with my already naked woman self. I ain't Michael Jackson, and that's creepy.
Why is it that people think naked children are cute? I think it's horrifying. Like watching the larval stage of something walking around all slimy and shit. That's not cute....but the ginger ale does sound nice...
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