Friday, May 13, 2011

I'm Free!

  And freedom tastes of reality...Yes, I am free for now.  Now I just have to start job hunting over the summer.  But before that, I will enjoy my spare time and go riding on my bike when the sun starts to go down...too hot to do it now, I'll probably have a heat stroke.  Nonetheless, I will go out shopping for groceries and enjoying myself as much as possible and prepare for a date this Saturday with the most beautiful and angelic lady who has ever graced this unworthy planet with her presence.

  It's nice to be able to do nothing stress is definitely down.  I stopped biting my fingernails :D  Perhaps they'll have a chance to recover from the abuse soon.  And as I said before, I can ride my bike again.  I have been neglecting it for the past 3 weeks or so because of the heavy workload, but now I can get back on the road and drop some more pounds.  I lost 10 pounds over the past month or maybe 6 weeks just by watching what I've been eating.  Once I start riding again I'll get down to a healthy weight again and hopefully stay that way.   I've discovered that riding a bike is a great way to transition into jogging.  My cardio was so terrible before that I could run about 30 seconds and then fall out wheezing.  That, and I weighed so much that it would kill my knees unless I ran on soft grass or something.  But I recently had to dash to a building to be on time and I felt good after all that running, even though I haven't exercised in weeks.  Only downside is that a bike is kind of expensive.  Still, my mother had a bike when I was a kid and it was of a lesser quality than mine is and it has lasted her almost 13 years and seems to still be going strong, even though it needs a tune-up and perhaps new cables.  So the money is a good's lots of fun and good exercise.

  Having a fun thing to do for exercise is really important.  If I'm not having fun, then I just can't exercise...too damn boring.  Anyways, that's enough rambling for now.  I'm just excited to be finished with  Yes, let's call it that.  With hope, I'll have something interesting to write about in the near future. 

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