I decided to go jogging for the first time in years yesterday. I've been building my cardio with cycling. I can finish a 7.5 mile ride with 6-7 hills (uphill on both sides) in 35 minutes, and I'm pretty proud of that. I figured it's time to build my bone strength with the classic-but-effective jog. I got my athletic pants on, a nice t-shirt, my running shoes and my mp3 player and got all pumped up. I started out with REO Speedwagon's Take it on the Run and started my jog. Oh, hell yes, I'm kickin' this street's ass. I feel goood!
200 yards later...
Oh shit...I'm going to vomit. I can't breathe.
Yeah...didn't even finish the first song. I thought that all that biking would've prepared me for jogging, but I thought wrong. I had to run inside and go all OM NOM NOM on a couple of stuffed eggs and an orange and a few glasses of water before I passed out. Don't judge, I was going to grill and had the eggs prepared for other people, I just couldn't help myself. I just have to try harder. I'll go out and try to jog again when I can. I'm sure if I combine jogging with bike riding and my pushups then I'll see my weight start to drop again. I've lost 14 pounds since I started my plan at roughly..March 25 or some time around then. I've been stymied at 231 though. Things are looking up, however. I've already lost a good bit of weight, and I feel great and have been eating well. Just have to try a bit harder so I don't lose steam.
Note: The tootsie roll above is not me, but it's how I felt when I finished.
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