Monday, August 29, 2011

I'm not sure if I want this...irregardless of the consequences.

  So this LPN program I'm enrolled in sucks a bag of dicks.  It's uber boring and the more I learn about the job itself, the less I want to do it.  I'm not trying to sound high and mighty, but I'm better than having some dumb-assed RN who barely scraped by tell me how much better they are and how I have to do what they say.  If I wanted that, I could join the military.  I'll try to make it through this semester, but if I still feel the same way at the end of it as I do now, I'm quitting and trying something else.  I honestly don't care about having some high-powered career, just as long as I make enough money for myself and enjoy the work.  If I can manage that, I'll be happy with my life.  Especially if it's a job that I don't have to work 60 hours a week at or something.  I need free time to waste on things like this blog.

  I'm not sure about my instructors either.  One is a Twatasaurus Rex, and the other is nice enough, but repeats herself all the time.  And they both say irregardless.  Fucking shudder!  I don't know who or what gave them the idea that irregardless is a real word, but it's not.  According to my Webster's Universal College Dictionary, irregardless is incorrect, and the definition is listed simply as regardless.  Irregardless is bullshit.  It's a double negative, like saying "I don't know nothing."  Sure, they may know medicine, but apparently English isn't their strong suit.  It's like a white suede suit.  You know, the ones that some black guys wear and it makes them look like a shit-mummy.  Or those powder blue prom tuxedos with the ruffles. *Cringe*

  The plus side is that I am learning how to take vital signs and how to cover my ass, because apparently that's all I'll be doing--making sure a person isn't dead and that I don't get sued.  As I've said before, I'm in the program with my lovely girlfriend.  She's hilarious, and gave me this insight into one class we took last week on the ethics chapter.  The instructor went on about different horror stories of ethical and legal violations, and everyone was Mmm-hmming and gasping.  My girlfriend told me afterwards, "It was like an episode of Maury in there.  Everyone was going 'Jayzus!' and 'MMM! Sweet Jesus!'."

  Yeah...there was a lot we learned in that chapter.  I guessed that writing a prescription for a patient's family member under the patient's name would be illegal--which it is--but I did not know that even taking someone else's 'scrip is illegal, even if it's only an antibiotic.  And according to twat face, "If I catch any of you doing something like that, you will be removed from the program and face charges, and then I'll personally beat you with my dangly tits and rape you with a dildo when you're in prison and open my thoracic cavity and the parietal pericardium and cryogenically freeze your soul with the chill of my heart like on Terminator 2 when they froze the liquid metal dude and then knocked him to bits."  ...True story.

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