Sunday, August 14, 2011

What am I going to do with you?

Today started out rather odd.  As I go outside to get into my car, I notice that there's a pink shoe behind the rear bumper, and I think to myself why is there a shoe behind my car? Followed immediately by the thought Why is there a dog behind my car?  This girl was just hanging around when I went outside.  After taking some pictures and googling it, I found out that she's a Grand Bleu de Gascogne...thing.  From the looks of it, she's been abandoned.  No collar, and she has three wounds.  Two have healed up almost completely, but one has a couple of cracks in the scab that are oozing yellow shit.  If she had a collar and the wounds, I would assume she's lost.  But nobody would go to the trouble to get a purebred dog and then not get a collar for it and let it run away.

  I don't know why anyone would abandon a dog like this though..she seems about a year old, give or take a couple of months.  She is also very sweet and didn't even turn a hostile eye towards my cat or my yorkshire terrier Teddy.  She doesn't seem stupid either, which can be plenty reason to get rid of a dog.  Of course I'd always put it up for rescue, never just toss it out of my car and wish it luck.

  I'm now debating what to do with it.  I can't take care of another animal, not only because of money but because I won't have the time to walk her or play with her.  I would put up missing dog signs, but as I said, she's probably been abandoned and the only people who'd claim her are those who'd lie just to get their hands on a good dog and possibly mistreat her.

  I think I'll sleep on it.

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